Thursday, June 30, 2011

Workout Attire Haul

 Hey sweet ladies!

Hope ya'll are having a great week! I don't know about you guys, but I am so glad mine is over. This week has been HECTIC. My professor is like on crack and decided to assign us a presentation( due the day after), then an exam the day after that. So I have been cramming hardcore for the past 72 hours straight and I am beat. On top of that I have been working out on a regular basis and my body hates me right now. I think every bone in my body is sore at the moment. I have been going to the gym twice a week doing cardio for 30-45 minutes along with 30 minutes of weights, then doing a Zumba class once a week for an hour. I'm sure you guys have heard of Zumba, it is rather intense and it kicked my butt tonight! It's just nonstop dancing for an hour. It's so much fun though! I can't wait till I get in great shape and I can actually enjoy it without feeling like I'm gonna throw up after 30 minutes of it ha. 

Anyways, so since I have been working out, I ordered me some cute workout pieces because all I really work out in is an old t-shirt and Nike shorts. Plus when you have cute clothes to workout in it makes you want to be at the gym even more, in my case at least. 

I got these comfy yoga pants from They had a special two for 50 so I jumped on that. If you guys shop VS you know these things are not cheap, but OMG are they comfy. 

My sister bought me a pair of these a couple years ago and at first when I saw them on the hanger I was like ummm they look a bit tight and short looking, but actually they are so freaking comfy and they don't look as hoochie as you would think haha.So i had to buy me another pair. These were also from for 24.50

Then I got me a few tanks for VS as well. They are a bit pricey for tanks I suppose, but the quality it worth it.They are so soft and I've never had a problem with them shrinking. I bought a black and purple one. 2 for $26.

Last but not least I FINALLY found the running shoes I have been eyeing forever!

I have been wanting these Reebox's forever but they never have this color in stores, so I decided to check online and SCORE.So excited to get this in and try them out. I have been wearing these Puma's I've had for awhile, but I think they have pretty much had it because they have been killing my feet lately. So yeah so stoked about these! $89.98 at

I'm getting my sore out of shape butt to bed! Hope you ladies have a wonderful night!


  1. I don't have a lot of sporty clothes, but I'd love to get some of those :)

  2. I'm going to the mall later (WHY am I even up right now?! hah) and this post convinced me I need a new pair from VS for traveling purposes this weekend. I leave for vacation and keep buying so many things, but I blame you for this one ;) Takes the heat off myself! haha only kidding, of course. Cute choices!!

  3. Zumba sounds like so much fun & such a great workout. Oh & I love yoga pants! I've been worried about buying them from VS without being able to try them on - maybe I should try anyway ;)

    xo katie elizabeth

  4. I love VS! Hey great blog very creative. Could you check out mine? If you follow I would be happy to return the favor! Thanks so much!

  5. AAAH I made an order a while back (bathing suits and etc) I should have ordered the yoga pants too! They're SO cute I wish I saw this post before, it would have been the perfect reminder haha.


  6. I've heard of zumba and have always wanted to try the classes because I love dancing. Cute buys from Victoria's Secret, I also feel like if I had cute workout clothes I would feel like working out more but the cute ones are always expensive.

  7. Aw thanks girls! Yeah the yoga pants can be a bit pricey but they last FOREVER and feel AMAZING.xo
