Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Annoyance of The Day

Raccoon Eyes...
I just...don't understand why anyone would want to look like they just got smacked in the face a few times. Plus I'm just going to be honest, if I saw a girl walking around with this eye make up, I would automatically think she was a whore. I used to work with this one girl and she wore her makeup like this EVERY-SINGLE-DAY. I mean it was horrible.I mean she might have been a decent looking girl, but no one would have known due to her hooker eye makeup. I mean who wears their makeup like that to work unless you are a street walker or gogo dancer..


  1. This post totally made me LOL! Looove it! I want to be a rocker for halloween but that would be the ONLY time I would do this!

  2. Thanks! Yeah this eye makeup would totally work for that! Just maybe not every single day, that's a bit much haha.

  3. hahaha more like annoyance of a lifetime!!! This look deserves a "What was she thinking" :)

  4. Haha I know right!absolutely hate it!
